05 July 2018

Student and Teacher Voices (Short Post #1: Teachers)

It's that time of the class again - 150 word limit challenge! Here we go... :)

Part 1

How do we create classrooms where student and teacher voices are not only heard, but needed?

For Teachers
I think we need to be valued and trusted. There were so many ideas in chapters 5-7 of Learner-Centered Innovation that I was excited about, but all I kept hearing from the little voice in my head was "Time, time, time." I don't mean that I don't have enough time in the class periods (although we could always use more of that), I mean that we don't have enough common planning time with our departments and teams that is OURS. We have agendas that are set by other people and data that we have to read and respond to and we allow schedules to dictate what we do and do not do. I will never stop thinking about this point: "We aligned the staff meetings and team collaboration time to ensure that teachers had time to design new and better learning opportunities, try out some things, receive feedback, and continue to revise" (203). Honestly, that is my DREAM.

Image from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/teachers-want-to-be-heard-its-time-to-listen_us_58dbb2cde4b0f087a3041e6b

(HERE is the article where the pull quote came from in case you are interested!)

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