16 August 2016

Ed Leaders Network (Thing 33)

I'm pretty into the Ed Leaders Network (ELN) (@EdLeadersNet)! I watched a video on flipping my classroom, which I have always wanted to do (well, "always" since I attended the presentation that Emily, Jesse, and John did about how the science department has been using the model at one of our institute days) but have never seemed to actually implement. I DID do a video about compound-complex sentences that I had my students watch before I taught it - which I think is at least partially flipping! - but I haven't really committed to it even though it seemed to go over well. I also created a Schoology quiz on the materials so I would have an idea of where the kids were after the video but before class, and it was super helpful to have the information; it also wasn't as time-consuming as I thought it would be. One of the things that the presenter, Shannon Holden (@newteacherhelp), said that helped me was that you shouldn't start trying to flip everything immediately: try doing it once a week. I think I can do that!

The video wasn't available for embedding because I think you have to be a member of ELN to view it, but here are some pretty cute but also informational YouTube videos on the topic. Two of them were created by PowToon, and although I didn't love that program, this is a great example of what is possible with it. The animation didn't take away from the information, which was the problem with the video I created earlier in this course. The first video is just an overview of what flipping a classroom looks like; the second is geared toward parents; the third is about potential hurdles to flipping a classroom (shoutout to Edutopia (@edutopia) for having a great series on flipping!).

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